Monday, December 26, 2011

Thank you

I learn one thing as a doctor; never promise your loved ones except when you are on leave.

I seldom could make things on time with them i.e. wedding, meal, outing etc. Sometimes things just happened before you go back and you need to attend it.

I must be very thankful to my parents and siblings; who are very understanding and never complained about it.

They waited for me in hospital for about 1 hour yesterday (they were on the way home from Melaka); just to hand over 'pisang goreng' to me - as I requested them to drop by.

They would try to prepare special meal for me if I tell them that I'm going home for dinner - though having dinner at home itself is already something special for me.

They listened to all my stories and experiences with interest.

They woke me up early to go for work and prepared breakfast for me; which I rarely took if I'm alone in hostel.

They (my siblings) cleaned up my car; and of course I 'paid' them =D

Thank you for your unconditional support. Thank you for your valuable prayers.

Thank you Allah for your blessings.

"Ya Allah, please guide me to be a good daughter and sister."

71200 Seremban

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