Monday, March 15, 2010

I Love You because of Allah

I still couldn't eliminate the mixed feeling after the programs last weekend.

Saturday (13/3/10) - Seminar Kerjaya
They worked hard for it despite loads of problem during preparation.

Sunday (14/3/10) - Family Day
The person I pitied most was Q; projecting his voice to the fullest for the 'naughty' adults =p

I was very happy to get along with them.

I was excited to be the speaker in the program.

I 'enjoyed' observing and 'analyzing' my juniors serving the participants; they have improved a lot since I first met them in the program.

But at the same time,

I felt a bit sad; knowing that I have a lesser time to spend with them.

I worried about the academic performance of my juniors.

I worried about so many things about them.

I really hope that they can manage their study well. That's the most essential matter to be taken care.

After all, I thanked Allah for giving me chance to be part of them.

I love them all because of Allah.

This team is indeed one of the wonderful families of mine.

This is really a bless from Allah.

So, let's move together towards our mission.

Serving the community from our unity for Islam to be at the highest position.

Faith: The Spirit that Moves Us

"Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their persons and wealth,

in return has promised them paradise;

they fight in the course of Allah and slay and are slain.

This is a true promise which is binding on Him mentioned in Taurat, Injeel, and Quran;

and who is more true in fulfilling his promise than Allah?

Rejoice, therefore in the bargain which you have made, and that is a mighty achievement"

Surah At-Taubah (9) : 111

Note : Credits for Nasir for the photos

25200 Kuantan

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