"1,2,3...Push! Teran panjang-panjang. Curi nafas. Sambung. 1,2,3...Teran! Sambung Puan. Kuat semangat." No where else would you listen to that command.
At last, O&G posting has ended. Surely I will miss it very much especially the labour room; which was my passion and where I found most of my satisfaction in O&G.
90% of my on-calls were labour room calls. I really didn't mind with it. Conducting deliveries, encouraging moms to bearing down, resuscitating the newborns and suturing the tears plus teaching the taggers on those matters are my passion and satisfaction. Red alert is a never-wanted-situation but experiencing it gave me of course points of learning on how to deal with it if I'm the leading person.
Respect and humble are keys to survive in labour room. Facing and dealing with the midwives are truly an art of living. They are years-experienced than you. We can ask their opinion but never forget our MO for any decision. The two lives are always the priority. Once the midwives have confidence on you, live is much easier.
My last call was the most peaceful I had with 1 hour interval of empty labour room (so, around 1 hour of sleep!). I never had that situation before as my labour room was usually full with extended beds. Owh, I must thank my MOs for always be patient with me when I woke them up for difficulties I faced and also special thank to my staff nurses for helping me a lot!!!
I just can't imagine if I'm the one who is in labour or whose perineum being sutured. It must be very painful. That's why I would always try my best to treat my patient with gentle; but once in a while I just couldn't maintain it =(My usual advice to my patients before I discharged them to ward:"Lepas ni Puan nak berpantang di mana, dengan siapa? Saya tak kisah Puan nak berpantang dekat mana atau dengan siapa, yang penting minum air banyak-banyak; bagi luka cepat sembuh, najis lembut-tak dapat sembelit dan banyak susu untuk bayi. Lepas ni Puan kena bincang dengan suami macam mana hendak merancang keluarga ye."
They said every husband should observe their wife delivering their babies; so that husband would appreciate wife better. For me, every child should also observe how difficult and struggling were their moms to deliver them so that they would at least not hurting their moms' heart.
"We have man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, in pain did she give him birth," Surah Al-Ahqaf (46) : 15
Narrated by Abu Hurairah; a man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth times, "Who is next?". The Prophet said, "Your father." (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

After all, goodbye O&G. I know there are a lot more knowledge that I haven't gained but I hope that my little experience would be beneficial for me in the future. Thank you to all my consultants, specialists, MOs and colleagues for the guidance. I wish to all colleagues who are really interested in O&G to go for it. It is a sacred job; helping honoured and noble persons on earth - wives and moms.
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi
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