Friday, December 18, 2009

Life goes on

It's the month of Muharram again. It's another new year. It has been nearly 25 years I am living in this world. But, I am very very sure that there is nothing much I have in preparation to reach the end of my life which I do not know when is it. That is the hikmah between the unknown time of death so that we will always try to be prepared for it.

I hoping for the improvement in myself in fulfilling the all duties and responsibilities in the world so that I can survive and pass the tests for entering the Jannah. As there are more duties than the time we have in the world, thus we have to benefit each second of time that we have so that it will be worthy in front of Allah.

Let's pray for the help from Allah in gaining His knowledge. Let's pray for the guidance from Allah in every step in our life. Let's pray for the mercy from Allah to protect us from the hellfire. After all, it is only from His Mercy that allow us to enter the

"Say: "O my Rabb, forgive, have Mercy, You are the Best of those who show mercy."
Surah Al-Mukminun (23) : 118

25200 Kuantan

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