Saturday, February 20, 2010

Contraception and Family Planning

My mother and I used to have arguments regarding contraception and family planning.

In my mother's opinion, contraception and family planning are only eligible for those who has medical illnesses that can endanger their life if they get pregnant.

According to her, financial or economics problem should never be an excuse for people for not having children.

She said that children are gifts from Allah and there are 'rezeki' accompanied with the delivery of the children as Allah had mentioned in the Quran.

She said that there are many of her friends who planned for not getting child in the first few years of marriage end up with having no children at all.

I partly agreed with her. But, after observing the scenario in the society especially in Kuantan, I felt like those in low socio economics status should be counseled properly on contraception and family planning.

They are the ones who are living in a house without any room; thus every business is carried in that limited space. So, there is no wonder why they keep producing one child in each year!

These unfortunate children would be left improperly supervised as their parents are struggling to get income everyday so that they can have meal for that day! (I used to think that 'kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang' is only well-illustrated in the story books and television before I met personally with them in Kuantan!)

The children are not going to school because of financial problem. I've met quite a number of them! It is very pity for the children.

Somehow, I accept their decision to stop schooling and help the parents. One can succeed in life in many ways even if they do not have a formal education or not having good academic performance.

But, what worries me most is in term of the religious knowledge.

For the children or teenagers whose the parents are not really emphasizing in religious knowledge, the school is the place for them to at least be exposed to the Islamic teaching.

What will happen if they are not going to school?

That is why our society is really problematic nowadays.

The children will get involve in immoral activities and thus increasing the rate of juvenile cases and other social problems among the teenagers.

I do not know on where to point the fingers.

The parents are struggling fighting for a better life for the children.

The children on the other hand are innocent as they do not get full attention.

The society is also too sick to provide a good atmosphere for the development of a child.

In the end, the finger will be pointed to myself as an educated Muslim who perform my solat everyday, read the Quran and know on the right and wrong deed. What have I done for the future of the next Muslim generation?

Let's think on what have we done to save the faith of our future great-grandchildren.

"You are the best nation which has ever been raised for the guidance of mankind. You enjoin the good, forbid the evil and believe in Allah. Surah Al Imran (3) : 110

25200 Kuantan

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